Buddhist pulls cars with her hair
I change my negative thoughts about the monk because of this mass ordination project
My life is changed because of the mass ordination project. I change my negative thoughts about the monk… Now! He was a regional manager who had a perfect life. He had a good job with high salary but he had negative thoughts about the monk. How did he change his mind? What does he get from this ordination?
World Peace Begins with Inner Peace
Happiness is what all human beings seek. A philosopher can consider history up to the present and define happiness according to many concepts and theories.
Mixing with Fools, Just isn’t Cool!!
People have different ideas about right and wrong. Some think that different opinions on right and wrong mean there is no final answer to the sort of behaviour we should try to have in life
Teach Children to Care for Critically Ill Relatives
All those who are living will one day depart from this world, but before they depart, they are usually ill, lying on a hospital bed
Vitamin for the Mind
In addition to the benefits that meditation brings to learning, it also helps to balance us as we pursue a career.
Practice of Chastity#2
For married people, housewives and husbands should keep the Five Precepts, content only with their spouses, and do not betray the ones they are married with
12 Prestigious Telly Awards
DMC was honored with 12 prestigious 28th Annual Telly Awards Winners
THE 38 WAYS TO HAPPINESS: Do not associate with fools II
Everyone born into the world has the greatest of intentions to live a decent life no-one wants to make a mess of their lives. Even a criminal doesn't particularly want to live his life dishonestly, but he thinks that being a criminal is good enough it's a good shortcut in earning one's living thus why not be a criminal. Having become a criminal. it is only later that he finds out that being a criminal is no good, but by then it's too late he can't change his mind or his life and ends up being a criminal for the rest of his life. Thus you can conclude that although everyone would like to be good, not everyone manages to live out their wishes.
The True Goal of Marriage
Our love is not only given to parents, siblings, and friends, but also shared with someone who may become one’s husband or wife.